
Politics, ethics, travel, book & film reviews, and a log of Starbucks across this great nation.

Location: California, United States

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nobody 753

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Nobody # 753

Nobody Asked Me But:

When the red man can get ahead, man,
And when white will embrace what is right.” The Reverend Joseph Lowery

The main thing I remember about my childhood is that I was a lot smaller.<<<

If “Gone With The Wind,” half historical spectacle, half classic soap opera could win the Academy Award for Best Picture, then surely “Dark Knight,” the GWTW of comic-book action films deserved at least a nomination. And perhaps so too did the year’s best comedy, “Tropic Thunder.”<<<

“In the interest of justice and at the direction of the President of the United States." This is from President Obama’s first Executive Order - but in a larger sense can there be a more fitting theme and guideline for the his presidency than these 16 words?<<<

My reaction to the Inaugural Ceremony and the day:

Today only enhanced the sense of wonder and optimism I have felt since the election. America gets double credit in my grade book. Not only did we grow into the idealism that is the best part of our history, but we voted well and selected a President who will be both strong and wise.

The Inaugural Address received mixed reviews ranging from good to excellent. Put me in the excellent column. Here are some of my favorite lines:

A nation cannot prosper when it favors only the prosperous.”

We will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.” (I thought his constant use of we rather than I was very telling.)

"We will defeat you." (If you keep that fist clenched – Damn straight!)

The time has come to set aside childish things.” (From 1st Corinthians – one of my favorite biblical chapters)

We reject a false choice between safety and American ideals.” (Yes, we can have both freedom and security!)

People will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy.

We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers.” (Non-believers – WOW! Obama is the first president to publicly recognize my legitimacy.)

Overall, I thought the speech set a near perfect tone of challenge and hope. It has been an elegant day for an elegant man.<<<

Hello Mr. President and good-bye Guantánamo. Good-bye torture too. And good riddance. Despite what Jack Bauer claims, you both are unnecessary and un-American.<<<


Skipping Internet ads. My browser blocks many ads, but I don’t push the skip prompt for those that get through. I see them as my price for all the good stuff it find in cyberspace.<<<

I felt terrible about Ted Kennedy’s collapse. Thank goodness it wasn’t more serious. I know that time is now both his friend and his enemy. It is strange that the man who seemed to be the least of the Kennedy’s turned out to be a Hall of Fame Senator.<<<

My wife is a do it yourself kind of woman. When I ask for anything she says, “do it yourself.”

Colorado justice: In Denver, Municipal Judge Paul Sacco has a special punishment for people who blast their stereos: a night listening to Barry Manilow.

Does this violate the 8th Amendment by being cruel and unusual?


Words of wisdom from an unwise man:

"My sense now is that it is never as bad as you think it is when you lose and are removed from power. And it's never as good as you think when you win." Ralph Reed<<<

Words of wisdom from a wise man:

But I do know this: while a crisis is a terrible thing to waste, so too is a great politician, with a natural gift for oratory, a rare knack for bringing people together, and a nation, particularly its youth, ready to be summoned and to serve.” Thomas Friedman

And as for the infamous swearing in, David Brooks swears he was running the prompter for Chief Justice Roberts and it went like this it like this:

"Do you, Barack Faithfully Obama, Promise to Hussein execute the office of Faithfully President of the United States, for richer and poorer, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, and to defend the Constitution, for which it stands, one nation, under faithfully, to the best of your ability, so help you God?"<<<

Check out the new and better White House website at<<<

Governor Terminator has no SOUL. His liquor tax will take the music out of wine:

Two-buck Chuck = poetry.
Two-twenty nine Chuck = BORING.<<<

Tuesday was a great thrill. So how about a “you are there?” If you could witness any historical event, what would you choose?

I would choose one event with two parts: I would hear the arguments before the Supreme Court and the announcement of their decision in the case of Brown vs. The School Board of Topeka Kansas, et al. You?<<<

Sixteen months to get out of Iraq. Seems reasonable to me.<<<

Say what you want about the Bush Presidency, and I have said a lot and meant it all, from Election Day on, including the Inauguration, the man has been nothing but classy.<<<

I was hoping that President O really called Justice Roberts to the White House to fire him. I know. A SC Justice can only be impeached. But I was hoping that there was a special clause allowing a new President to dismiss one who messed up while administering the Oath of Office.<<<


Q: If the hapless Tampa Bay Rays can reach the World Series and the woebegone Arizona Cardinals the Super Bowl, isn't it possible the LA Clippers could reach the NBA Finals?

A: NO!

Q: Had the Lakers Trevor Ariza stayed at UCLA for more than one season, is there a good possibility that the Bruins might have won a 12th NCAA basketball title?

A: YES!<<<

Final comment on President Obama’s first week – careful planning is more important than speed in passing the stimulus package. In other words, don’t give Congress a chance to muck it up.<<<


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nobody 752

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Nobody # 752

Nobody Asked Me But:

Hugh wrote yesterday about the possibility of five teachers on his floor alone losing their jobs on cutback Monday in a couple of weeks; perhaps classes of 50 students after that. We both agree that this is more than sad. It is tragic.

I understand that these are very hard times, but where are our priorities? We are spending $770,000 billion to bailout businesses and banks but none of it to bailout public education and save the kids? A trillion dollars for tax cuts and public works. Is there a higher priority public works project than class size?

Come on leaders. Come on America! It is time to put our money where our mouth is.<<<

On the same general subject: Thomas Friedman proposed in last Sunday’s NY Times that “One of the smartest stimulus moves we could make would be to eliminate federal income taxes on all public schoolteachers so more talented people would choose these careers.”

Come on President Barack. You must have a spot in the West wing for an idea man like this.<<<

The impossible dream – a Jewish state without Arab birth control.<<<

David Brooks, my second favorite conservative, has long been on a like/lukewarm roller coaster relative to his feelings about our very soon to be President. He was a fan a year ago, soured last summer and has been back on the bandwagon since late October. Thus it was with tongue in cheek when he described Obama’s appearance at a recent dinner party held in the home of another conservative columnist, George Will:

It was amazing. He was carried into the house by cherubs, Bruce Springsteen and Oprah Winfrey spread rose petals on the carpet where he was about to walk and he very considerately asked me what vintage of wine I wanted my water turned into.”<<<

As I scanned the menu for Tuesday’s Inaugural Dinner, and decided to pass on the pheasant and duck served with sour cherry chutney, I considered other choice items at inaugurals over the years. Here are some I would take in a microsecond and some that I would pass on even more quickly:

Kennedy’s lobster Newburg – eat.

FDR’s tongue (actually not really his tongue) in 1937 – pass.

Obama’s California's Duckhorns "Goldeneye" Pinot Noir from its Mendocino property. – drink.

FDR’s rolls (no butter), and cake (no frosting) in 1945 – pass.

Bush, the First’s loin of veal stuffed with wild-mushroom and sage dressing – eat.

Obama’s apple-cinnamon sponge cake and sweet cream glace – eat.

Reagan’s abalone bisque– eat.

Garfield’s 100 gallons of pickled oysters – pass.

Buchanan’s 1,200 quarts of ice cream – eat all.

Clinton’s Arkansas Raccoon Supper – pass.

FDR’s sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallows – eat.

(really Eleanor’s favorite, and now I know where my mother got the idea for this holiday regular)<<<

Is God a Wildcat? On the Tuesday before the big game on Thursday, the Arizona Daily Star had several posts from Cat fans who were praying for divine intervention against the Bruins.

Personally I think the only way that God becomes a difference maker in this game is if She suits up and starts ahead of Chase.<<<

Arizona is selling license plates with pro-life messages and London busses are selling ad space with anti-God ones. What’s next? Well that’s probably Victoria’s Secret.<<<

Headline – “Osama bin Laden has calls for a jihad, or holy war, against Israel for its Gaza campaign.”

Small print – Al Queda leader says “I would join you, but I feel safer in my cave.”<<<

Headline – “5 Supreme Court Justices Say Evidence Is Valid Despite Police Error.”

Small print – 5 Supreme Court Justices Say “Goody. Here’s another chance to stick it to the Fourth Amendment.”<<<

Headline – “House Republican leaders have set up a working group to draft their own stimulus proposal focusing on permanent, across-the-board tax relief.”

Small print – “We don’t need no stinking taxes. Give me us millions and our guns and a big, big wall around our houses to keep out terrorists and Mexicans.”<<<

Headline – Arizona Republican Representative Andy Biggs on wanting to repeal the law that set up a speed camera for the state - "It is meant to be authoritarian; it is meant to take away freedom."

Small print - We’re Republican cowboys. It’s just that we have traded our horses for fast cars.<<<

Why I am a sucker for “24.” Here’s a conflicted Jack Bauer, as he alternates fists to the face and bamboo under the fingernails of a “24” viewer:

Jack: TELL ME!



Department of “I knew I had it, but I just didn’t know the name.”

Adamic tradition - A desire to begin anew.

So that’s why I have always loved mornings, Mondays and, back when I was teaching, Septembers.<<<


Palin lashed out at "bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie."

I may be pathetic and everybody gets bored now and then, but my name is Jim Turner and I don’t lie.<<<

I watched “Transformers” on our DVR last week. It was loud, action dominated and totally juvenile. I loved it. Well actually not loved, but I liked it a lot. It was fun. And that’s enough justification.<<<

I also finished “Atonement.” I started it a month ago but thought it was a little slow-moving. On second glance, I was right. It does move pretty slowly, but it is beautifully filmed and worth some patience on the part of the viewer. It is not as good as the book, but it is a very good film.<<<

I would have bet a thousand dollars that my Bruins could not play as badly as they did yesterday afternoon. They TOTALLY collapsed.<<<

This just in: Hamas announces ceasefire. Says it will give Israel ONE week to withdraw from Gaza.

My advice to Israel – take TWO weeks.<<<

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nobody 751

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Nobody # 751

Nobody Asked Me But:

Lately I am having a hard time finding myself. Perhaps I should try Google.” “Shoe,” 1/3/09

Could the Senate Democrats be handling the Roland Burris fiasco any worse? Send in the clowns. Don’t bother they’re there.<<<

Headline – “Porn industry wants stimulus package.” No way I’m touching that one.<<<

This month’s sour grapes award goes to USC coach Pete Carroll who, after the BSC National Championship game Thursday said: “We could have beaten either one of those teams. The only reason we lost to Oregon State was because we wanted to make the season more interesting.”<<<

Is the divine Sarah (Palin that is) drinking again? She certainly had more than a little whine this past week as she discussed her mistreatment by the media.<<<



Overrated – Congressional Democrats: They are already putting up barriers against Obama’s economic plan, and he hasn’t even been sworn in yet.

Underrated – Mass imprisonment for above.

Overrated – Handlers: They subvert democracy by creating image candidates without blemishes. Pay attention Caroline!

Underrated – Honesty: It is good for the voter, good for democracy and, yes, it is even good for the candidate.

Overrated – Bush bashing: He’s (almost) history now, so let historians judge him. Everybody else, give it a rest.

Underrated – Laura Bush: We don’t hear enough about this classy First Lady. (Maybe that’s part of her class.)

Overrated – One-handed presidential advisers: Presidents should have people willing to say, “on the other hand.”

Underrated – Reasoned decisiveness: Listen to both sides but then act.

Overrated – Seniority: It is no surprise that Senator Heavy Hand, aka, Harry Reid, badly misplayed the Burris hand. His only qualification to be Majority Leader is longevity.

Overrated – Lawyer talk: The lawyer for Roland Burris complained that his (Burris’s) treatment in D.C. was “against the law of the law.” Law of the law? Ah, right??

Underrated – Plain English.

Underrated – The villainy of a few Blacks who are playing the racial card in the Burris appointment.


Overrated – Turning the other cheek: The last I heard, self- defense legitimizes violence and war.

Underrated – The harm caused by appearing weak.

Overrated – A quick cease-fire without stringent conditions.

Underrated – A mediated settlement in which Hamas is told that if rocket fire resumes Israel will be supported and encouraged in any military action they deem necessary.


Underrated – Destroy and get out vs. conquer and be stuck:
Israel should get rid of the tunnels, missile sites and as much of the Hamas infrastructure as possible. Then go home on their terms with a psychological victory and no long-term bleeding.


Overrated: Delusions of divinity, i.e. Pat Robertson saying that God told him that the American economy will upturn this year.

Underrated: A touch of humility: religious leaders who don’t claim to be God’s voice.


Overrated – Mexico: Unless dodging bullets is your idea of a fun time.

Underrated – Short trips in California: I can count a dozen delightful destinations in the Golden State without even trying very hard.


Overrated: Standardized tests. They are a tool, not an answer.

Underrated – Physical environment: An attractive campus says to students and teachers; “We care.” A run-down campus says; “We don’t care, so why should you?”


Overrated – The ability of our alphabet agencies (HS, CIA, FBI, DEA, ETC.) to separate real from imagined threats.

Underrated – Believing that we don’t have to give up the Bill of Rights to be safe.

Nor give up our values either. Here’s Leon Panetta on that subject:

“Those who support torture may believe that we can abuse captives in certain select circumstances and still be true to our values. But that is a false compromise. We either believe in the dignity of the individual, the rule of law, and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, or we don't. There is no middle ground. We cannot and we must not use torture under any circumstances. We are better than that.”


Overrated – Honey mustard: Sweet and bitter don’t always mix.

Underrated - Alternating bites of chocolate fudge with chips and green chili dip: But sometimes they do, beautifully.

Overrated - Filet mignon: Tender but tasteless without a sauce to give it flavor.

Underrated – Horseradish: Lights up the taste buds and cleans out the nasal passages simultaneously.

Underrated - University of Arizona Interim basketball coach Russ Pennell: He may not be the best X and O guy around, but he clearly knows his V for values, as shown by this statement after the Wildcats brought nothing to the court against Stanford last week.

"I didn't even ask them about their response. It didn't matter to me. They're players and they have to play hard. There's always this talk about should they get paid — they do get paid. They get a scholarship, they get tuition paid, room and board paid, travel basically first class, stay in great hotels, and the least they can do is give an unbelievable effort in a game.”

He went on to say: "Nobody is asking them to win. Winning's a byproduct of if you do things correctly on the court. But when your effort is subpar, you've gotta be called on that. So (Monday), I was in no mood to answer any questions. It was, this is the way we're going to do it."

You go coach!<<<

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Nobody 750

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Nobody # 750

Nobody Asked Me But:


And it did. As we pulled up to our Tucson hotel, snow started to fall in very fine flakes. It lasted only a few minutes and didn’t stick, but what a wonderful Arizona greeting.

On the flip side, the first leg of our trip was terrible. From Pasadena to Palm Springs it rained, poured sometimes, as we struggled with heavy traffic. What were all those cars doing out on Christmas day? It was our first time on the newly opened extension of the 210 from the 15 to Redlands, and I couldn’t see a thing. But it was clear on the way home, and I found that I didn’t miss anything.

Back to the trip.

Our Palm Springs stop at Tom’s was excellent. Opening presents with Tom, Dana and Hana was neat. Then Tom served us his freshly prepared French onion soup, and it was some of the best we have ever had. He followed up with grilled steak and lobster tails. Delicious!

In Tucson, we stayed at the Omni Tucson National, the frequent home of the Tucson Open. We had not been there for at least 14 years, and it was good to be back. The casita gave us plenty of room to spread out with the 9 family members who joined us for pizza and presents – and Barbara’s cookies. All seemed delighted with their gifts. I know I was.

The next day, as is our custom, we divided in to two groups. Barb, a group unto herself, did her shopping tour of Tucson, while the rest of us went to a movie. We saw “Four Christmases” (slim pickings for family films this year). But there were enough belly laughs to save the day.

Later that evening we had a special treat. Barb, Elizabeth, Ryan, Emily and I gathered at a brewery-bar-night spot to hear Greg play his guitar and sing with his friend’s band. You can only imagine how proud I felt. Having the best son and daughter in the world will do that for a person. Add to that the best wife and grandchildren, and you can plainly see why I am the luckiest man in the world.

(Note – we almost didn’t find the music spot. I won’t say it was isolated, but we saw Sarah Palin hunting bare along the way.)

On Sunday, we met Elizabeth, Emily, Elizabeth's close friend Cassie and her daughter for lunch and some exploring of the great small village of Tubac. Then it was back to the hotel to pack and get to bed early in preparation for our drive home.


Now, to end all suspense, here is the way the PAC-10 will finish this season.

1. UCLA - They have two quality players at every position except PF. And they are decent there.

2. ASU - James Harden is one of the two best players in the league and can carry this team. Jeff Pendergraph is a quality second banana. Not much beyond.

The PAC is down this year and spots 3-7 are totally scrambled and anybody’s guess. So here is mine.

3. USC – The talent is there. The toughness and cohesion isn’t.

4. WSU – Home court edge makes them tough. Bennett makes them tougher.

5. Arizona – Stop Nick Wise and you stop the Wildcats. Good defenders can stop Wise.

6. Stanford – Nothing inside but very good and very experienced wing and guard play.

7. California – Less talent than Washington but Monty’s coaching lifts them above the Huskies.

8. Washington – Brockman always plays hard. The others, not so.

9. Oregon – Continues to play below talent level. Is Kent losing control?

10. Oregon State –Still at the bottom, but Craig Robinson has them playing better. They will win more than last year. (Easy prediction since 1 PAC win will be more than last year.)

PAC-10 Player of the Year – This year it will be a flat-out tie between Darren Collison, UCLA, and James Harden, ASU.

Runners-up – Jordon Hill, Arizona and Jon Brockman, Washington.

Freshman of the Year – Jrue Holiday, UCLA.

Runners-up – Demar DeRozan, USC and Klay Thompson, WSU.

Coach of Year – Ben Howland, UCLA, for winning his forth straight PAC championship – convincingly.<<<

OTHER PREDICTIONS (of these I am a bit less sure)

Rick Warren will be kidnapped just before the inauguration by his Far Right followers to prevent him from praying for the heathens.<<<

Despite the frequent criticisms in Nobody, Adam Sandler will win two Academy Awards: Best Actor and Lifetime Achievement.<<<

The Dodgers will trade Mat Kemp for a back-up catcher and play Manny Ramirez in center field.<<<

Disappointment of year – tie between:

John McCain for taking the low, low road in his campaign. This good man should not have wanted to be president that desperately.


John McCain for choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. This good man should not have wanted to be president that desperately.

Fraud of Year – President Mikheil Saakashvili, of Georgia gets the James K. Polk Award for almost inviting Russia to attack and then crying, “we are being invaded.”

Brazen Idiot of the Year – Rod Blagojevich.<<<

Best movie (that I saw) – “The Dark Knight” edges out “Gran Torino.” ("Vicky Cristina Barcelona" was also very good – the Woodman back in form.) The only films that I haven’t seen that might change my mind are “Frost/Nixon” and “Slumdog Millionaire.

Worst movie of the year – anything staring Adam Sandler.


Q: What don’t you do to solve the financial crisis in the Los Angeles Unified School District?

A: You don’t lay off hundreds of teachers and drastically increase class size.

Q: What do you do?

A: Close schools when the money runs out.

Q: What were the most overused words by the Bush administration?

A: State secret.

Q: You are a frequent critic of Israeli hard line policies. What have you to say about their attacks on Gaza?



Guide to pictures
1. Greg playing.
2. G, E, R & E at movie
3. & 5. Our hotel
4. Barbara at hotel
7. Elizabeth
8. Ben
9. Airanna and Lily
10. Dana & Hana
11. Rainbow on 10
12. Decorating our dining room