
Politics, ethics, travel, book & film reviews, and a log of Starbucks across this great nation.

Location: California, United States

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nobody 745

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Nobody # 745

Nobody Asked Me But:

Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will not themselves be realized.” Daniel Burnham, architect and urban planner

A little plan is to live carefully, cautiously. A large plan is to seize the day.<<<

We'll put people back to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, modernizing schools that are failing our children and building wind farms and solar panels, fuel-efficient cars and the alternative energy technology that can free us from our dependence on foreign oil and keep our economy competitive in the years head." Barack Obama

If Obama does all of this or, even most of it, improves our health care system and keeps the country as safe as possible, there will be little doubt that he will earn a spot in American presidential heaven.<<<

FYI: Did you know that British army officers began wearing the British mustache during their service in India, and it became compulsory until WW I?<<<

Sundance is the classiest of the holiday catalogs that we have received so far – almost all the women models have a glass of red wine in their hands.<<<

And speaking of classy, of all the millions of big game trophies in college football the Indiana-Purdue game has the most literary one, Poet Samuel Woodworth’s “Old Oaken Bucket.”

How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood,
When fond recollection presents them to view!
The orchard, the meadow, the deep-tangled wild-wood,
And every loved spot which my infancy knew!
The wide-spreading pond, and the mill that stood by it,
The bridge, and the rock where the cataract fell,
The cot of my father, the dairy-house nigh it,
And e'en the rude bucket that hung in the well-
The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket,
The moss-covered bucket which hung in the well.<<<

Still on classy - my second-favorite team nickname? Not even close: Centenary Gentlemen.<<<

I know that some mainly blame over-borrowing by consumers for our current financial mess, but what about the great tempter, dangling credit? An example:

My MasterCard is now owned by the Bank of America who regularly sends me blank checks to use for borrowing against my card account. I don’t want them and have never used them, but I think that many who are not as fortunate as I find it easy to surrender to such temptation. Yes, I believe in personal responsibility, but I also believe in business ethics – one of which is don’t offer loans to people that probably will not be able to pay them back.<<<

And did you ever think how lucky Moses was to have caught God in that burning bush on a good day? If not, when Mose found excuse after excuse to defy God’s command to “Save my people,” the deity could have been royally angry. He could have done an Egyptian boil trial run on Moses right there. “That will teach you to talk back to your God. Now get going and do as I say or no Ten Commandments for you. I’ll save them for David – except I can’t give him the adultery one.”

“Milk” opens this week and with it memories of the infamous Twinkie defense that allowed Dan White and his lawyer to give Madam Justice the finger. A five-year sentence for murder because he was high on sugar? Or was the jury just a touch homophobic?

Of course White could not escape his conscience, or was it his demons? He killed himself two years after his release.<<<

I recently saw this LA Times list of the greatest L.A. Lakers of all time:

1) Kareem Abdul Jabbar
2) Magic Johnson
3) Jerry West
4) Kobe Bryant
5) Elgin Baylor
6) Shaquelle O'Neal
7) James Worthy
8) Gail Goodrich
9) Wilt Chamberlain
10) Chick Hearn

Surprisingly, I would make only two changes. First, I would take Chick off the list. He deserves a list of his own or a much higher place on this one. I vote for the first and would replace him here with Bill Sharman.

Second, I would move Wilt up to number 6, dropping Shaq, Big game” James and Bruin Gail one spot each. Opinions?<<<

What is the best $100 you have ever spent?

Ever is too big, so I will confine this to the past year. It was the $100 bill that I slipped Ryan to celebrate his middle school graduation.<<<

This from the LA Times – “DJesse Vasquez, 14, holds his nehpew, Nathan Sotelo, 2, in their tent outside the Fry's Electronics store in Anaheim.”

Anyone looking for an editor’s job?<<<

The 2008 Ig Nobel Prize Winners:

The 2008 Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded on Thursday night, October 2, at the 18th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, at Harvard's Sanders Theatre. Here are two of the winners.

NUTRITION PRIZE. Massimiliano Zampini of the University of Trento, Italy and Charles Spence of Oxford University, UK, for electronically modifying the sound of a potato chip to make the person chewing the chip believe it to be crisper and fresher than it really is.

BIOLOGY PRIZE. Marie-Christine Cadiergues, Christel Joubert, and Michel Franc of Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse, France for discovering that the fleas that live on a dog can jump higher than the fleas that live on a cat.

And finally, the alpha and the omega of Thanksgiving quotes:

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy

My mother is such a lousy cook that Thanksgiving at her house is a time of sorrow.” Rita Rudner<<<

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nobody 744

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Nobody # 744

Nobody Asked Me But:


This is a cheer heard Saturday at Occidental, where the Tigers wrapped up their third unbeaten regular season in four years with a homecoming rout of Whittier: "We've got Barack/You've got Dick/Oxy, Oxy, Oxy/Block that kick!"<<<

If you consider the election of 2008 as a major social/economic/political shift, and I do, then it is the third such in the past 76 years. The election of 1932 opened the door to the New Deal and 48 years of progressive-Democratic rule. Neither of the two Republicans elected during this span did more than to slightly slow it.

1980 marked the start of the Reagan revolution – 28 years of conservative rule. Bill Clinton, the only Democrat to serve during this time period followed, to a great extent, the “to get along, go along” and governed as much from slightly right as slightly left.

What did all three of these elections have in common? They occurred during and largely because of severe economic turndowns.


I love Obama’s economic stimulus package. Rebuild America’s infrastructure and its economy simultaneously. A New Deal for the 21st Century.<<<

Joe Klein wrote a few days ago that the cold, aloof John Kerry would head any list of senators with whom he least wanted to have a cup of coffee. This started me thinking about my most-least list in that area.

Ted Kennedy – the lion in winter.
Susan Collins – almost every time she opens her mouth, I wish she were a Democrat.

Barbara Boxer – knee-jerk liberal. Buy her a cup and you get a slogan.
Jim Bunning – a former Detroit Tiger gone BAD. His knee jerks far right.<<<

I am sure that if most of you searched the part of your brain that contains unimportant memories, American history textbook section, you might run across Peggy Eaton. She was the sleep-around lady who married John Eaton, a close friend of Andrew Jackson. Remember, the “proper” wives of Jackson’s administration shunned her. Jackson, ever loyal, was outraged, and this was one reason (there were several) he broke with VP John C. Calhoun whose wife led the rejection parade.

But did you know that many years later Peggy married her young Italian dancing-master, Antonio Buchignani? She was 59 and he was some say 19, some say in his early 20s. Peggy was a young enough 59 to hold on to her boy-toy for seven years. Then he ran off with her granddaughter and most of her money. Peggy sadly divorced him and died a few years later. It is not known which she missed most in her declining years, her fortune or her nightly dance routines.

So you see. American history CAN be interesting.<<<

In its Sunday magazine, the NY Times had a brief interview with Karl Rove. Here is a summary of the wisdom it contained:


Is George Bush really Herbert Hoover? Just wondering.<<<

In a recent Zogby poll, 59 percent of respondents described themselves as "fiscally conservative and socially liberal," which is another reason why the Republican Party is doomed for as long as they surrender to their religious right wing.

But surrender they may. Many Republicans seem to be saying - the social fundamentalists couldn’t win it for us this year so lets --- give more power to the social fundamentalists.<<<

Want to hear your favorite song while on line? Here’s the place to dial it in.

That was a bizarre ending to the Arizona basketball game last Tuesday. With the game tied an Arizona player (Jamelle Horne, poor kid) intentionally fouled a UAB player on a break-away. The player made one free throw and the Wildcats lost 72-71.

I am not ready to make a judgment about interim UA head coach Russ Pennell’s coaching ability, but I do like the way he handles his players. He seems to have a nice balance of firm and kind.<<<

When I read about the large number of threats aimed at our President-elect, I remember again that too many Americans hang out in the shallow end of the gene pool.<<<

News item – Democratic senators decided not to strip Joseph I. Lieberman of his committee chair.

Comment – What next? Inviting Newt to caucus with the Dems?<<<

I know that last week I supported the possible appointment of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. I still think she has the ability, but Thomas Friedman made an interesting point in his column last Wednesday when he wrote that a President as his S of S must speak as one voice and questioned whether, given their recent enmity, that is possible.<<<

Yes, I played show and tell when I was 7 and lived in Wacusta. It was with the girl from the neighboring farm. She was seven too. Why am I telling you this? It is because, like everybody else who wants a job in the Obama administration, I must tell all.

Other confessions before my Vetter:

Once I raised my voice to my 8th grade history class.

I lied to my wife by telling her that I bought a medium Coldstone when I really ordered a large.

When my kids were little I told them I knew everything. Well, maybe that wasn’t really a lie.<<<

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nobody 743

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Nobody # 743

Nobody Asked Me But:

In my stars I am above thee, but be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em. – Shakespeare, Malvolio 2.5.140-143

Nobody Asked Me But:

Will Barack Obama be a great president? Wrong question. Since the word great implies a uniqueness that few possess, let me rephrase. Will Obama be an excellent president?

He has a very good chance. He seems to have the necessary qualities – intelligence, leadership, the ability to inspire. And he certainly faces the great challenges that are prerequisites for excellence. But he also faces the great unknown that confronts every new president which is how will he respond to these challenges as the person in charge?

Will Obama be an excellent president? Ask me in six months, and I will have the beginning of an intelligent answer.<<<


They open their season tonight in the second game of a double header in the 2K Sports classic. Wins tonight and tomorrow will earn them a trip next week to NYC. Here are a few pre-season predictions:

Their regular season record will be 26-4 or 25-5.

They will win the PAC-10 record with a record of 16-2 or 15-3.

Jrue Holiday will be the PAC Freshman of the Year and either he or Darren Collison will be the PAC Player of the Year.<<<

Herb Score died Tuesday. Had his face and his career not been shattered by a Gil McDougald line drive in 1957, he would very likely be thought of as one of the great pitchers in Major League history. He had Sandy Koufax-like stuff. I was lucky enough to see him pitch a couple of spring training games in Tucson. He was incredible.<<<

I think the gay protests over the passage of Proposition 8, the constitutional amendment that outlaws gay marriage in California, are probably counterproductive. But shouldn’t a 2/3 majority be required to amend any constitution?<<<

Here is a question from last week along with the results.

Bailing out GM is:

Throwing good money after bad 68% 10384
Necessary to save the auto industry 32% 4819

Their choices were too absolute for me. I would answer that it is necessary, BUT ONLY with an absolute timetable for drastic improvements in mileage and limitations on the number of gas guzzlers they can produce and very harsh penalties for failure to comply.<<<

Governor Palin told Fox News last week that she wanted to make her own concession speech on election night in order to “brag him up’” (Senator McCain) and “do for John McCain what he just can't seem to do for himself.” I don’t know about you, but that sounds a bit dirty to me.<<<

And while on the subject of Governor Palin, trust Maureen Dowd to come up with the perfect nickname for her – Eliza Knowlittle.<<<

In a current case, the Supreme Court must answer the following question: Since the city of Pleasant Grove, Utah has a Ten Commandments monument in its city park, does it also have to display a Summun (a small religion) monument as well?

The mistake: this is being treated as a free speech issue rather than what is really is, which is a freedom of religion issue.

The probable outcome: Pleasant Grove will win. Clearly there is no constitutional requirement for the government to publicly display every variety of free speech.

On the other hand: if it were properly considered a religious issue, then under the establishment clause the city should be required to remove the Ten Commandments. At least that is how I would rule on it.>>>

From California: College tuitions are going up.

From Arizona: The state is looking at using $56.7M from tuition revenues to fix the state budget.

These are two examples of values turned upside-down.

When are we going to again treat a college education as an asset to the community and not a liability? In places like Ireland they “get it” and provide a free K-college education, which is one of the reasons why they are experiencing an economic and social renaissance.

Once upon a time America gave more than lip-service value to having a highly educated society. And we were the better for it. Now it is all “me.” We seem to have forgotten the power in “we.”<<<


In this corner we have:

The Neos – A Pox Americana, peace through war.

In this one:

The Socials – A bible in every bedroom and constitutional amendments guaranteeing the sanctity of man-woman marriage and divorce.

And in this one:

The Traditionals – no taxation, not even with representation.

Who will win? I have no idea, but it should be fun to watch.<<<

Happiness is double-dipping. During basketball season I love to watch the Bruins win at Pauley and then, the next day, watch them again by DVR.<<<

And yes, I think Hillary would make an excellent Secretary of State – but a better Supreme Court Justice.<<<