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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Nobody # 779

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Nobody # 779

Nobody Asked Me But:


This fast food stop in Bridgeport is my kind of place. I’ll take a chiliburger with fries and a massage. But alas, no time, so I’ll just have an ice cream cone – soft chocolate please.<<<

I have to tell you that I am finally convinced. I have seen all the conflicting birth certificates but the latest, which shows that our President was really born on a train from Paris to Istanbul to a KGB mother and a CIA father, seems like the real deal.

And just between you and me, don’t you think that all this hyper-hatred of Obama is framed in black?<<<

What are the chances of Barbara and I putting in a swimming pool? About the same as winning $1Billion in the lottery or giving up retirement. But if we ever did, we would choose one of these two designs. Which one would you recommend?<<<


WANTED: Political agitators – Must be angry, white, male Republicans, willing to travel on short notice. Loud and obnoxious behavior is an absolute requirement. *

We will supply the issue and the placards. You supply the intimidation. Note: While calling Democrats Nazis is encouraged, we recommend violence only as a last resort.

Those who helped steal Florida in 2000 will be given preference.

*This is not intended to discriminate against women, but any woman hired will be gene-tested. The presence of empathy or fairness genes is cause for disqualification.

Seriously, most of the anti-health-care protesters belong in a horticulture greenhouse. They are plants – plain and simple. I thought that, except for a brief return in 2000, we had outgrown the politics of intimidation so rampart during the early days of our nation. But the Republicans have brought it back. It is alive and well and scary.<<<


On Facebook Friday, Sarah Palin called the President’s health plan “evil,” and said it would create a “death panel” to deny care to the needy. Clearly Palin is the reincarnation of Joe McCarthy. Now all we need is Joseph Welch to ask, “Have you no sense of decency madam?”


We don’t like this “cash for clunkers” program.

Why not?

Because it’s working.<<<


Here is my suggestion for paying at least part of the cost for the President’s health plan. End all tax exemptions for religious organizations. If they can afford big-ticket churches and cathedrals, they can afford to pay their fair share towards a better America.<<<

Did you know - that a Canadian television series was developed to identify the people’s choice as the Greatest Canadian? Among the nominees were leaders in politics, business, sports and entertainment. And the winner was………..Tommy Douglas, the founder of the Canadian health care system.

Gee, do you suppose they are doing something right up there with their single-pay system? They have a longer life expectancy and lower infant mortality rate than the U.S. No one is turned away because of a pre-existing condition.

Nah. I’ll stick with the American system dominated by private business with their slogan – “Either we make a profit or you die.”

And did you know that the finalists for the health insurance “Gatekeeper of the Year award” are:

1. An agent from Florida who denied cancer surgery to a plan member because he failed to include the fact that he had acne treatment as a young man on his application form?

2. An agent from Arizona who denied coverage to a healthy young woman because she briefly saw a psychologist after breaking up with her boyfriend?<<<


Nora Ephron does not just make good movies (“When Harry Met Sally,” “Sleepless In Seattle”). She also makes good sense as shown by these two answers in a NY Times interview:

Q: Do you consider any food a romantic deal-breaker?

A: I respect vegetarians, but I could never fall in love with one.

Q: Is noshing in bed always wrong?

A: Not if it’s ice cream.<<<


Action: Pa. Man Kills 3, Himself; Web Page Describes Plans.

Reaction: That’s my America! We do love our guns.

Reaction # 2: I have to admit that the NRA has a good argument when they say that the guy could just as easily have killed with a sharpened pencil.

Action: Right-wing critics wasted no time in attacking Clinton’s visit to North Korea as rewarding hostage-taking and conferring legitimacy on a rogue regime.

Reaction: Perhaps a shot of compassion in their nightly tonic would help.

Reaction #2: I’m with Elizabeth in wondering whether they would feel the same if it was their daughter in that North Korean prison.

Reaction #3: Given their track record for compassion, the answer is probably yes.<<<


Picking up from last week, had there always been 10 Best Picture nominations, here are at least 7 more Woody Allen films that would almost certainly have been nominated. As it was, four of them received Best Director nominations. (Shown with an asterisk)

Interiors – 1978*
Manhattan 1979
Broadway Danny Rose 1984*
Crimes and Misdemeanors 1989*
Bullets Over Broadway 1994*
Match Point 2005
Vicky, Christina, Barcelona 08

Factor in his BP win for “Annie Hall” and his BP nomination for “Hannah And Her Sisters,” and Woody, despite his numerous minor efforts, is one of the greatest directors of all time.


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