Nobody 711a Pictures from kauai.
Nobody 711a Pictures from Kauai.
Number 1 is a view o
Numbers 3 and 4 are cloud scenes taken close to the hotel.
Number 5 is a beach bum in black and yellow shorts and number 6 is the same beach bum having his birthday dinner with his wife at Roy’s.
Number 7 is the Spouting Horn and number 8 answers the question of why does a Kauai chicken cross the road. (To get to the beach.)
Number 9 is a church to be married in, if one wanted to be married in a church. It is in Hanalei. Number 10, Lumahai Beach, is also in Hanalei and is where Mitzi “washed that man right out of her hair.”
In Number 11, are clouds over Hanalei, which you can see best from the bar at the Princeville Hotel. (Number 12)
Number 13 is an orchid at
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