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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Nobody 698

Sunday, June 3, 2007
Nobody 698

Nobody Asked Me But:

I'm going to lay down my sword and shield,
Down by the riverside!
Down by the riverside!
Down by the riverside!
I'm going to lay down my sword and shield,
Down by the riverside!
And I ain't gonna study war no more!

"The terrorists moved into George Bush’s Iraq, not Saddam Hussein’s." - Maureen Dowd (emphasis mine)

I am disappointed that the Democrats did not make a stronger stand on the funding bill for the Iraqi War. They have the numbers and should have passed their original bill with a timeline for the withdrawal of our troops. Then, following the Bush veto, they should have passed the funding bill that the President demanded, making clear both their support for the troops and their belief that we should get out of this disaster as soon as possible.

I know that pre-election years are like the golden rule of medicine (first, do no harm) with "to yourself" added. And, of course, for Representatives every year is either an election year or a pre-election year, which means they do very little. But, in this case, most of the people back home are clamoring for an end to the war, so their vote would have been both right and politically safe. But most were once more cowardly lions.

And, climbing back up on my soapbox, I will say again that it is time to amend the Constitution in such a way as to give representatives 4-year terms, so that their political life is more than a never-ending campaign for reelection.<<<

To add to the tragedy, the Iraqi government that we put in place is playing Bush like a cheap violin. While Americans and innocent Iraqis are dying in ever increasing numbers, Iraqi leaders are getting ready for their two-month vacations.<<<

CNN -- Cindy Sheehan, (left)saying that “her son died "for nothing," declared Monday she was walking away from the peace movement. She is unhappy with the failure of the Democrats in Congress to do more, but what is even more telling is her charge that the peace movement itself "often puts personal egos above peace and human life."

This is the problem with the leadership of most movements. Once they get rolling, cause takes second place.

Luckily there are exceptions. Too bad they are few and only prove the rule. One example from a different cause was the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a “saint,” while pretenders Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are hacks.<<<

I have never believed in the adage that says that hard work won’t kill you, but I was forced to put my life on the line this past week. Elizabeth and Emily, (left) who just finished elementary school two weeks ago (and yes, they grow up far too fast) are coming for a 4-day visit this Wednesday, which immediately shifted my wife into her “honey do” mood. You know the drill – “honey do the windows, honey dig the planting holes, honey, you missed this speck of dust under this stack of books.” To be fair, her own work assignments are even harder than those she delegates to moi.

I have been busy, and the truth is that at the end of each day my body feels better than when I spend it at the computer or reading or eating ice cream.

So maybe by avoiding physical labor I have been missing something all my life. Then again, maybe not.<<<

On the subject of graduation, congratulations to grandson Alec (left, with his dad) who graduated from high school, also two weeks ago, and will be off to Arizona State University in September.<<<

From Hugh, about a round of golf he played over the Memorial Day weekend:

"I Played terribly but did hit enough good shots to return for more in maybe a couple of weeks."

Pardon my semi-alliteration, but isn’t this is the golden rule of the gods of golf? Allow those who are not Tigers to make just enough good shots to keep them coming back for more, to keep searching for that lifetime low score at the end of the rainbow?<<<

Back to politics.

The national Republicans, rather than stealing a page from their California cousins, are taking the whole damn playbook – better to die on one’s sword of “principle” then “just win elections, baby,” especially if it means granting citizenship to all those illegals. Or, as Admiral Farragut Pullen, (below left)the Arizona State Republican Party Chairman famously said last week, “Damn the Mexicans and full speed to the right.”

Remember how James Madison feared the development of factions within the new American political scene – until he became the co-founder of one, that is? He would have a cow if he could play the fly on the wall at Republican Party meetings. (And, in case you are wondering, yes, cows and flies do have a close relationship.) Here’s what he would hear from the latest factions in the Grand Old Party:

On Immigration:

Get rid of all illegals and close the border except when our farm/business Republicans need cheap labor.
We need to make those illegals legal and turn them into Republicans.

On the Iraqi War:

The war in Iraq is good because it is part of our mission to spread democracy and get more oil.
I wish we weren’t there, but we can’t cut and run.
Get the hell out now.

On abortion:

Just say no to all abortions.
Some abortions are necessary evils.

On the budget:

Don’t tax, don’t spend.
Don’t tax but spend.
I thought we always believed in a balanced budget.

On settling internal differences.

Compromise for the good of the party.
Our morality or we sit on our hands on voting day.<<<

As for the frontrunner for the party’s candidate for president, I give the edge to Romney, the former moderate, who now never meets a social conservative opinion that he doesn’t like.

Which begs the question, is there such a thing as an evangelical Mormon?<<<

Answers and questions for the week – you know the drill. I first supply and answer and then a question to go with it.

A - That would be a waste of money.
Q - Will you give me a penny for my thoughts?

A - Perhaps when you are older.
Q - I’m almost 73. Will I ever be mature?

Any questions to submit? Big prizes for the best.

A spot for pot

A Trinity College philosophy professor was authorized to openly smoke marijuana on campus. The teacher had been smoking for over ten years as a therapeutic treatment for a chronic health condition, but he only revealed his pot use to school administrators this past semester. In order to help him, the school provided a ventilated smoking room in the basement of a building. Trinity College said the idea came from hearing about a similar room that the Portland Trail Blazers have in the basement of the Rose Garden.

This certainly gives a new meaning to “being high on the Blazers.”<<<

On those nights when you just can’t fall asleep, do you ever wonder:

Why train whistles at night always sound lonely and mournful? Not so in the daytime?


Why smooth peanut butter is cheaper than nutty?<<<

The big story last week in the City of the Angels was about the summer replacement for the popular television series “24.”Also happening in real time, it is a new daily comedy/drama series, “Kobe and the Busses.” It’s all very avant-guard, being simulcast on television and radio and with heroes and villains so ambiguous that the fan can choose either side to root for.

I’m a Kobe man myself. He is still a very young 29, which makes him talk too much, but at least he tells the truth. And his complaints are no different than those of most Laker fans. The franchise is slipping and the power people seem to be inept. Owner Jerry has completely surrendered to his playboy side leaving the day-to-day personnel decisions to son Jim, who is in over his head, and general manager Mitch Kupchuck, either the same or completely handcuffed by Jim.

I think that if daughter Jeanie, who once bared her “soul” in a Playboy spread, and her boyfriend, coach Phil (I warned you that this was part comedy) were in charge things would be different. But they are not.

Will Kobe stay or go? Will Dr. Jerry give up his toy-girls, resume control and fix this mess – a difficult task without the guidance of Jerry West? If not, will the fat-wallet fans continue to pay very big bucks for a mediocre product and will the average Laker-lover like me stop caring.

My two cents: Keep Kobe, make a bold move or two no matter the cost, and DROP THE TRIANGLE OFFENSE.

Stay tuned.<<<

And finally, the headline of the week:

DeLay: My Adultery Was "Different" Than Gingrich's.

Pretty kinky, Tom.<<<


Anonymous Anonymous said...


After reading this "nobody" I am amazed that there is still at least one republican left standing!

Cannot get excited about Cindy.

Guess the Lakers keep Kobe and fire Jackson (only way the triangle is going to go). Actually I do not really care which direction they take.



11:47 AM  

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